As my blood flows out like a streaming river
And my broken bones continue to quiver
I hold myself up despite the shooting pain
That trembles through whatever of me that remains
My wounds still fresh and open
Exposed to the saltiest ocean
Filled with lies, cries, and deception
Remain hidden, untreated, and left unspoken
From all the beatings of doubt and the slaps of fear
The red and purple scars continue to adhere
On my skin that seems to be patterned with bruises
That life inflicted on my body until it loses
But defeat was not something my body would embrace
Instead, it allowed the cloud of sorrow to fill my face
And take away my eyes' glimmer and grace
For gloom and pain to take up their place
And so, It became weaker and weaker from the wounds it kept holding
As I tried covering each one to stop all the bleeding
Yet my two hands became too less for my wounds so great
And I just stood there with a body that kept eroding
I wanted to yell out and explode all about these wounds that no one can see
And for someone to just come and set me free
Yet one's come, or even glanced my way
As they remain unaware of my distant plea
Sobbing with the pain and letting my tears mix with blood
I decide that alone I would have to fight life's devastating flood
That instead of water is made of my tears
Which never got shed all these years
So, I stagger to my feet injured to the bone
Armed with pain and scars that were never shown
To fight another war that some call tomorrow
I presented strength despite being so hollow
So, as my blood flows out like a streaming river
And my broken bones continue to quiver,
I let a fragment of hope be my source of power
That perhaps in life's ugly swamp I might see a beautiful flower